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Good Samaritan saves lives in Franklin County fire

Updated: Apr 10

Caleb was driving at 3:30 a.m. when he noticed smoke coming from the cabin

(SUNMAN, Ind.) -- Two people would have died if it wasn't for an early morning paving project on State Road 46 just east of Batesville.

28-year-old Caleb Barnes is an INDOT contractor who was called into work at 3:30 a.m. on Friday, May 26.

He was driving to work on Horseshoe Bend Road in Franklin County when he noticed smoke coming from a house.

Caleb had driven by the house the day before and saw a woman and small child playing in the front yard. He knew somebody was home.

Barnes pulled his vehicle into the driveway and began knocking on windows and doors to let the homeowners know their house was on fire.

But every door was locked.

He eventually found a side entrance to enter the house. He startled the dog which woke up Mike Schwier and Lisa Pierson.

Caleb was able to get Mike and Lisa out of the home less than 10 minutes before the house collapsed.

The house happened to be a 180-year-old cabin. Mike and Lisa lost everything but their lives in the fire.

A relative has launched a Go Fund Me and you can help the family by clicking here.

This would have been a fatal fire if it wasn't for Caleb driving to work at that specific time of day.

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