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Local Heroes: Greendale Fire's critical role during Ohio chemical leak

Submitted Article

(HOOVEN, OH.) — Last week, several members of the Greendale Fire Department found themselves on the front lines of a dangerous chemical leak in Ohio, risking their lives to protect the surrounding community from potential disaster. 

The incident occurred when a train car containing the highly volatile chemical styrene—a colorless, flammable liquid—began to overheat and expel vapor. 

As the train car heated up, pressure built inside, forcing the safety pressure release valve to eject the chemical into the air.

In such cases, styrene can quickly become a significant hazard, both due to its flammability and its potential to explode. 

The Greendale Fire Department played a pivotal role in the emergency response. 

Positioned only 200 feet from the pressurized train car, firefighters braved extreme danger, using their ladder truck to apply a constant stream of water onto the train car to cool it down for 25 straight hours. 

This crucial act prevented further escalation and possibly a catastrophic explosion. 

Despite being in the "hot zone," where chemical exposure and threat of an explosion posed significant risk, the Greendale firefighters displayed remarkable courage and professionalism. 

Their quick actions were instrumental in keeping the volatile situation under control. 

"Being that close to a pressurized chemical leak is not only physically dangerous but mentally demanding," said Greendale Fire Chief Shannon Craig. "Our team knew the stakes, but they stayed calm and focused, doing what was necessary to protect the surrounding community." 

The bravery and determination shown by these local heroes are a testament to their commitment to not only Greendale, but other communities.

Without their efforts, the outcome of the chemical leak could have been far worse. 

Thanks to the swift actions of these firefighters and other first responders, the situation was brought under control without any injuries or loss of life.

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers firefighters face every day and their critical role in keeping our communities safe. 

After President Biden was briefed about the situation and the rail company was given federal clearance, the train car was safely moved to Ineos Styrolution in Addyston, Ohio.

As investigations continue into the cause of the leak, the bravery of Greendale’s firefighters will remain a shining example of what it means to serve, protect, and go above and beyond in the line of duty.


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