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North Decatur senior wins silver at International powerlifting competition

Coy began competing in 2021

(GREENSBURG, Ind.) -- A North Decatur senior had a major showing at an international powerlifting competition in the Cayman Islands last week.

18-year-old Brayden Coy qualified for Team USA and finished second overall in his age and weight class during the North American Regional Powerlifting Championships.

The competition featured three different lifts: Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift.

Coy squat 530 pounds, benched 333 pounds and won the gold medal for deadlift with 590 pounds.

Overall, he had a total of 1,422 pounds across the three lifts which earned him a Silver medal.

This accomplishment comes after Brayden finished runner-up at the Powerlifting America Nationals in Scottsdale, Arizona in June.

His parents, Debbie and Brian, credit their son's work ethic and dedication for his quick progression in the world of powerlifting.

"He will not miss a practice, he literally trains everyday. Even if we go on vacation, wherever we choose to go, it has to be close to a powerlifting gym," Debbie said.

Brayden said he was introduced to the idea of competitive powerlifting by a Decatur County deputy.

"In the summer of 2021, Deputy Nick Polley encouraged me to get into it because Nick had competed while he was in the military and stationed on a base," Coy said.

Brayden competed in his first competition in December 2021 and his future goal is to compete at a powerlifting world championship.

The high schooler also says he hopes to one day open a powerlifting gym in the area.

His mom says Brayden is not only serious about powerlifting, but he's also focused on his diet while avoiding all performance-enhancing drugs and steroids.

"He has matured so much through this sport and it has been amazing to see his dedication," she added.

Brayden plans to go to college and study to become a chiropractor after graduating from North Decatur this year.

The competition in the Cayman Islands featured powerlifters from 13 different countries.

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