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Secret tradition continues at ISP Versailles Post this week

Who is placing this sign?

(VERSAILLES, Ind.)  – A community member is continuing their secret tradition of showing support for law enforcement.

For the past few years, somebody has placed a sign like this at the Indiana State Police Post in Versailles during National Police Week. It was placed again this week.

Who is doing this? Even the local post’s spokesman doesn't know.

Thanks to whoever left the nice display of appreciation on the front lawn of the ISP-Versailles Post this week. We don’t know who you are, but we have ways of finding out,” ISP spokesman Stephen Wheeles joked on Facebook.

The person who is responsible reached out to us, but also asked that we keep their identity hidden.

“Can you please recognize local officers for their courage, hard work, and dedication? I would like my name to remain anonymous as I want nobody to know I am," the person said.  

We agree that local police should be recognized!

Local police officers see the absolute worst of the worst in Southeast Indiana. I have come to learn that these men and women are not only enforcing the law, but they also serve as therapists, counselors, role models and more.

Law enforcement isn't about the handcuffs and sirens. The true impact they make on their communities take place during the incidents and conversations that never get news coverage.

We are blessed with many local officers who are doing their careers for all the right reasons here in Southeast Indiana.

Whether you are a state trooper, county deputy, city officer or town marshal, we support you!

We appreciate the community member reaching out to us about this annual tradition of theirs. Our local police deserve all the recognition!

Placing that sign is a small gesture that this person does every National Police Week, which is taking place until Saturday, May 18.

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