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What to Know: Tornado Threat on Tuesday

Updated: Apr 2

Practice safety plan with family

(GREENSBURG, Ind.) – A tornado watch has been issued for Southeast Indiana until 10 p.m. Tuesday. 

The 812 will provide updates when severe weather could have an impact on our communities. 

We want to share a few reminders and tips about the severe weather:

Do you know what the difference between a tornado watch and warning is?

A Tornado Warning is only issued by the National Weather Service when a tornado has been seen or detected on radar. 

A Tornado Watch is issued when weather conditions pose an increased risk of tornadoes being possible. 

With a tornado watch being issued today, it is a good reminder about the importance of your family having a severe weather plan. 

Here are some key tips:

  • Choose a safe room as an emergency shelter. That could be a basement, storm cellar, or a closed interior room if you don’t have a basement. 

  • Those who live in mobile homes should identify a nearby building to go to, such as a neighbor’s home, church or another open structure. 

  •  If driving, you should leave your vehicle immediately to seek safety in an adequate structure. Do not try to outrun a tornado in your vehicle, and do not stop under an overpass or a bridge.

  • · If you are outdoors, and there is no shelter available, take cover in a low-lying flat area. Watch out for flying debris.

  • · Be aware of damaged power or gas lines and electrical systems that may cause fires, electrocution or explosions.

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